10,466 people joined in the last 30 days

Fatima, 30
Looking for someone special
Los Angeles (CA), USA
American / Muslim (sunni)

Inayat, 28
Let's be friends first
London, UK
Pakistani-British / Muslim (sunni)

Elaine, 46
Looking for love
Brisbane, Australia
Australian / Christian

Ahmed Tall, 26
Let's be friends first
Dhuusamarreeb, Somalia
Somali / Muslim (sunni)

fatma, 44
Let's be friends first
Nairobi, Kenya
Kenyan / Muslim

Sanju, 25
Looking to meet new people
Sharjah, UAE
Indian / Hindu

Gen, 33
Looking for love
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Filipino / Christian (catholic)

Khalid, 45
Looking to meet new people
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Egyptian / Muslim

Ezgi, 30
Let's start our journey together
Aydin, Turkey
Turkish / Muslim

Richard munje, 23
Looking for a lovely lady
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Kenyan / Christian

Chirity, 30
Looking for love
Berekum, Ghana
Ghanaian / Christian

Hakeem, 32
Looking to meet new people
Lagos, Nigeria
Nigerian / Muslim

lilys, 18
Looking to meet new people
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Malaysian / Muslim

Chinecherem, 24
Looking for love
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Nigerian / Christian

Naz, 54
Looking for love
Vancouver (BC), Canada
Iranian / Other

bechir, 41
Looking for my soul mate
Tunis, Tunisia
Tunisian / Muslim (sunni)

Daina, 25
Beautiful on the inside and outside
Springfield (MA), USA
Dominican Republican / Christian (catholic)

Rijvi, 20
Looking for a lovely lady
Narayanganj, Bangladesh
Bangladeshi / Muslim

Zeeniya, 71
Looking to meet new people
Malacca Town, Malaysia
Malaysian / Muslim

Codi, 24
Let's be awesome together
Canberra, Australia
Australian / Christian

Kyeremaa, 32
Looking for my soul mate
Kumasi, Ghana
Ghanaian / Muslim (other)

sushant, 28
Looking for my soul mate
Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepalese / Hindu

Sheila, 40
Pack your bags, you've found me
Lubbock (TX), USA
Irish-Canadian / Christian (other)

askar, 24
Marriage, inshaAllah
Astana, Kazakhstan
Kazakh / Muslim (sunni)

Yori, 24
Marriage, inshaAllah
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Indonesian / Muslim

usama, 26
Marriage, inshaAllah
Perth, Australia
Pakistani / Muslim

Rose, 36
Looking for my soul mate
Calera (AL), USA
American / Christian

Aryan, 22
Looking for someone special
Port Louis, Mauritius
Indian / Hindu

Patricia, 30
Looking for my soul mate
Accra, Ghana
Ghanaian / Christian

Adam, 18
Looking for a lovely lady
Giza, Egypt
Egyptian / Not religious

Isha Malhotra, 33
A queen doesn't demand respect, She earns it with grace
Los Angeles (CA), USA
Indian / Hindu

Francois, 45
Looking for a lovely lady
Paris, France
French / Christian (catholic)

Blanche, 36
Looking for someone special
Miami (FL), USA
American-British / Atheist

mohamed, 26
Looking to meet new people
Ajman, UAE
Egyptian / Muslim

Sandra Jeffal, 27
Looking for love
Rouen, France
Italian / Muslim

Moha, 27
Looking for a lovely lady
Casablanca, Morocco
Moroccan / Other
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Signup to LoveHabibiWelcome to LoveHabibi - We've helped thousands of Arab and Muslim singles worldwide find love and someone to share their lives with. As one of the leading Arab dating and Muslim dating websites, we're committed to helping our members find the best possible matches.
There are plenty of online dating sites to choose from but what makes LoveHabibi unique is our exclusive focus on Arabs, Muslims and Arab Christians seeking new friends, dating and marriage, and who would also wish to adhere to their Islamic, Christian or other values and beliefs.
We genuinely understand the importance of finding someone who shares your cultural or religious background.
So far, we've helped over 1,285,596 singles from Europe, USA, Asia, Middle East, Africa and many other parts of the world find that special someone. Love knows no bounds and you can trust us to assist you in finding your soulmate, regardless where they are on the map. Signup today and start meeting new people.